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How to Manage Marketing Data Overload

Marketing data with a woman in the background.

Managing marketing data is a challenge for any type of business. It can seem overwhelming to manage all of that customer data, competitive intelligence, market research, customer reviews and other marketing metrics. Every industry is aiming to collect as much data as possible in order to tailor its marketing tactics. Below are a few ways to manage all of your marketing data.  


Align Sales and Marketing Data

Oftentimes, businesses collect too much data. You have input from your sales teams as they are in the field, as well as data collection from your social media and website efforts. 

The difficulty is finding a way to merge the data to reduce data duplication efforts. A key tip to manage marketing data is to determine the exact metrics being currently tracked, and create a data dictionary to aid in those efforts. Having two inputs of data can lead to confusion and inaccuracy. A data dictionary can help improve the quality of data and easier data analysis. 


Benchmarking Data

An overload of marketing data, while stressful, also means that you can enjoy additional capabilities in manipulating the data. Benchmarking is a critical process that should be reviewed monthly in order to understand the market and where your business stands. 


Establish Data Management Standards

Next, work on your data management standards to help with marketing data overload. Data management is only as effective as how easily followable and available the policies and procedures are. Dealing with client data adds another level of security and responsibility. Create a data guidebook to make it easier for employees to know how to name materials, where to place finished logos and content and how to move items into archives to open storage. 

Additionally, look into how your team can prevent data duplication. Data redundancy can lead to excessive amounts of data that can inhibit your ability to process customer and sales data efficiently. Set in place protocols to eliminate redundancy and keep every employee accountable. 


Drill Deeper Into KPIs

Last, but certainly not least, when managing marketing data, rethink how you are using your key performance indicators (KPIs) to prevent data overload. The right data and metrics can be a game-changing element of your client’s marketing plan. Only measure what matters. Once you have strategic goals and questions, then curate the data you need for those specific elements. Don’t let the data drive the process, take control. 

When you are planning a new marketing project, always have a strict vision to manage your marketing data. Overload is common when you don’t have the right processes in place to handle the influx of data in an appropriate manner. You set the strategy that leads to the data you want to collect. 


Want to up your marketing data collection processes? Contact Burkhart Marketing to set up a plan to make the most out of your marketing data. 


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