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book, strategy, motivation, teamwork, Art of War, Sun Tzu

Book Title: The Art of War
Book Author: Written by Sun Tzu, translation and commentary by Samuel Griffith
Star Rating: 4.5/5

Originally written in ancient China around 500 BC for military strategy in warfare, Sun Tzu’s classic The Art of War has often been regarded as the first known study of strategic of military operations. Interestingly, this study has gone on to inspire businesses, athletes and military generals alike to defeat their competition and challenges. Samuel Griffith, who served as an officer and commander in the United States Marines, translates the text’s 13 chapters. Each chapter is dedicated to a different aspect of warfare. Within the text Griffiths also provides commentary from Chinese strategists as well as numerous intriguing discussion questions. The chapters and lessons can be directly applied to other competitive fields such as business.


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