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You Get What You Give

In today’s world, internship experiences are vital. Second-semester juniors and seniors are all scrambling to close on opportunities to gain real experience and expand resumes. But not all internships are about grabbing a coffee or stapling piles of paper together. At Burkhart, an internship is a fully immersed position. From joining the Burkhart team in the office to brainstorming new ideas, this internship has provided me with tools to further myself and my career. Here’s what I learned and my tips for tackling the professional world.

Don’t Miss ANY Opportunity

I get it, trying new things can be intimidating. Learning things in a classroom and actually putting your skills to the test are very different things. Don’t be scared of failure. Be bold and trust yourself. This is a time to grow and prepare yourself for the future. Spoiler alert: Everyone wants you to succeed.

During this internship, I was able to learn and understand new social media marketing programs as well as graphic design skills. Every time I was handed a design task, my heart might have skipped a couple beats. But, as the summer progressed, so did my skills. Be willing to try. It pays off more than you’ll realize.

Embrace Work Culture

Every office has a different dynamic. Own it. There are companies that are so large you might see a new face every day and ones small enough you know everyone’s favorite color in the first week. Make the most of it. You will be with these people every day, helping each other out and eating lunch together. It’s important to build a relationship with your coworkers. Work hard, play hard.

At Burkhart, I had the opportunity to work alongside three other interns. At the beginning of each day, we would talk about our weekends, upcoming plans and share any funny stories that might have happened. This established such a sense of comfort between us as a team that we are now able to come to each other with questions on the material, help for content and to learn new things. Everyone has a different set of skills, and together we can make magic happen. Always acknowledge each other. Say goodbye on your way out. Sit and talk while eating a doughnut, enjoy it.  

Picture of the Burkhart intern office space

What You Give Is What You Get

In whichever field of internship may be of interest, it is important to realize that you get what you give. The amount of effort and gumption you put into your position will truly reflect the growth you receive. Actually put in the work on the content you create. This not only reflects on you but also the brand. They say practice makes perfect. That’s what internships are for.

As a marketing intern at Burkhart, I generated first drafts of social media content to be used by the Burkhart brand. Through edits and proofreads, I have seen my work littered with constructive criticism. However, I am now more confident than ever in my writing. I can honestly say I have grown as a writer because of my dedication to bettering my work and the mentoring I received from my internship.


Internships are what you make of them. As much as a snooze button may have called my name this summer, I wouldn’t have wanted to spend my mornings anywhere else. I have broadened my network and gained skills that I will carry professionally forever. Make the jump. Give it your all. Never miss an opportunity. You never know where an internship will carry you, but I would count on it making a difference.


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