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Tag: online reputation

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Reputation Management

Your reputation often precedes you, so you need to make it a good one.  93% of customers read online reviews before buying into a product or service – this makes it critical to make sure the reviews you get are in your favor.    The Value of Your Reputation Reviews

Positive media coverage is one of the most powerful marketing tools available to your business. When your brand is projected in a favorable light, it allows you to come off as credible, knowledgeable and accessible. So it’s important to be present in media that your target market would read, watch

Driving traffic to a fairly young franchise can be a difficult task, especially with heavy competition. Although it’s challenging in the beginning stages, all of the hard work will be more than worth it once the traffic starts trickling in. Not sure how to begin your journey for more traffic?

Meet in Illinois logo, designed with Strategic Branding Services.

Consumers today have multiple outlets to share their unhappy experiences. And once negative customer feedback is on the internet, anyone can view that negative comment. We’ve all heard the old saying that a happy customer will tell one person, while an angry customer will tell 10. Seeing angry comments on


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