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Tag: experience

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Garrett's Internship Experience

This summer has truly flown by, and I cannot believe that my time here at Burkhart has come to an end. As the Social Media + Digital Marketing Intern, I had so many unique opportunities. As I move on to my senior year of college, I would like to look

Brooke Hazel

9 AM, I open my laptop. First things first, I always check my email and Microsoft Teams for any new messages. Next, I check Asana, our digital to-do list manager, to see what opportunities the day has in store for me.  Most of my mornings started this way during my

In today’s world, internship experiences are vital. Second-semester juniors and seniors are all scrambling to close on opportunities to gain real experience and expand resumes. But not all internships are about grabbing a coffee or stapling piles of paper together. At Burkhart, an internship is a fully immersed position. From


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