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Personalizing Customer Interactions with Relevant Content

Personalization. A word that seems so simple and self-explanatory, yet can be vital when using social media platforms. When interacting with customers, it has become more common to have a tone of voice that is more relatable. Content that is just speaking at the customer rather than interacting has now become a thing of the past. Read tips below on how to reach your customers on a new level and start to boost your engagement. 


Community is key. Depending on the set goals for your company, location and the community could be a big target. Start talking about local events in and around your city and state, or even create content that incorporates certain characteristics from your designated location. People like to see something familiar like places they have been to before because it allows the customer to feel involved and be seen.

Create a Conversation

Nowadays, every social media platform has a way for you to easily interact with customers or followers of your page. This is the easiest and fastest way to create personalized interactions. Some ideas for your platform can be creating content that asks the audience personal questions about themselves. People love to talk about themselves, so let them! Ask who inspires them, create polls that ask if they prefer sweet or salty food, it’s as simple as that. Let people know you care about what they have to say. 

Current Events

Another great way to personalize your customer interactions is by relating your content to what is going on in the world. Look how the coronavirus affected companies, for example. Many companies completely shifted their tone of voice to create a more family and sympathetic feel. Keeping up with current events and trends allows your brand to be more relatable and seem like a real person is creating specific content and that it’s not just a bot pushing material out. 

Personalization is completely necessary now. The days of creating broad and unspecific content are over for now, and it’s time to become relatable. Interacting and creating content customers actually enjoy is a more effective way to keep them coming back. 

Have some new ideas on how to get your engagement up? Great! Now head over to Burkhart Marketing to see if we can connect with you!



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