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Types of Marketing You Didn’t Even Know Existed

Looking for a new way to reach your audience? You would be surprised how many different kinds of marketing are out there. From undercover marketing to email marketing, the possibilities are endless. Read below to find out some new ways to get the ball rolling and gain traction with your company!

Ambush Marketing

Also known as coat tail marketing, ambush marketing revolves entirely around anticipation and hype. To do this marketing strategy successfully, you have to completely immerse yourself in whatever audience you are trying to reach. Attend all the events that relate to your cause, and ask to sponsor events. Do whatever you can to get your name out there. 

Along with making your presence known, you should also be thinking of merchandise to spread your name around as well. Create posters and stickers, make interactive social media posts, anything to get your name out there and known. They don’t call it ambush marketing for no reason. 

Undercover Marketing

When done well, undercover marketing can be very effective. By having a group of people, or an influencer, using your product in their daily life without it seeming like an ad is undercover marketing. A pro of this type of marketing is that it’s very cost-effective – you won’t need to spend a ton of money depending on the type of audience you’re targeting.

Another great thing about this type of marketing is that it can make potential customers feel like they discovered something new, therefore creating buzz around your company or product. The potential cons of this type of marketing is that you have to find very creative and discreet ways to do it. If done too publicly and too “ad-like,” it can come off as foolish and possibly ineffective. 

Viral Marketing

The title of this form of marketing is pretty self-explanatory, going viral. Viral marketing relies on a well thought out strategy to make content your company has created either go viral or to make your company’s name go viral. When trying to execute a successful viral marketing strategy, it has to come off as effortless, like it was by complete mistake that this happened to your company. The great thing about this type of marketing is that content on the internet is very easy to share, making this type of marketing very fast-paced. With it being so fast-paced, you have to be ready if you actually do go viral before your five minutes of fame passes. 

Direct Mail Marketing

One effective form of marketing that many seem to forget about is Direct Mail Marketing. This form of marketing is when a company will send out promotional material to people who have either signed up for their companies email list or have used their email to purchase something from the company. The great thing about this form of marketing is that you can keep up with your customers.

You’re also able to personalize these messages so the customer feels like you are individually emailing them yourself. This form of marketing allows you to be creative with your emails, making them interactive and attention-grabbing. Find some ideas on how to get creative with direct mail marketing here!

Hopefully, you got some new and innovative ideas on marketing, but if you need help starting head over to Burkhart Marketing to see if we can connect with you!


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