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3 Ways to Know if Your In-Store Digital Signage is Effective

It’s 2020 and the world has gone digital! These last three months have proved this as we use technology more than ever before to communicate with others. Technology is taking the world by storm in almost all aspects of life, especially through marketing. With all of these technological advances in the marketing industry happening, in-store digital signage is becoming more common today. 

In-store digital signage ranges from the digital menu screens you read while you’re waiting in line at your favorite fast food joint. To the augmented reality screens at Sephora that allow you to see the makeup on before you buy. It’s a great way to give your customers a memorable experience and keep them coming back for more. It just needs to be used correctly. Below are three questions you can ask yourself to ensure your in-store digital signage is working effectively. 

Is this digital signage enhancing the overall customer experience?

If the signage is going to be in your store, it’s crucial to make sure it’s in your store with a purpose. When a customer comes into a store they have a purpose which is most likely to go in and purchase something. Making the buying process easy for your customer is what keeps them coming back. 

Having signage that doesn’t have any particular aim or purpose can end up getting in the way and distracting your customer from what they are there to do. Digital signage should be made with the customer in mind. You wouldn’t want to throw a frustrating tool in front of your customer because that could result in them leaving without a purchase. It should be convenient, user friendly and easy to follow to help the customer get to their goal for their trip faster. 

Does having this in-store digital signage benefit the staff?

Not only should your digital signage benefit the customer experience, but it should also benefit your staff as well. Having proper digital signage should help your staff with a full workload so they can focus more on customer service. This way they rely less on relaying basic information to the customer. Having effective digital signage that helps your work staff will ultimately lead to happier customers. And happier customers will lead to better sales opportunities.

Is it gaining your audience’s attention?

Digital signage does nothing if it’s not grabbing anyone’s attention. Is this digital signage going to be something your audience is interested in? It should appeal to your customers and bring awareness to your brand. If it does, it will make a positive impact on your customers’ experience in your store.

In conclusion, digital signage is a great tool that is growing in popularity in today’s shopping market. If used correctly, it can greatly improve many aspects of your customers’ shopping experience. If you’ve been thinking about adding digital signage to your store, or if you already have it and are wondering if it’s effective for your store, be sure to ask yourself the three questions above. 

Whether it’s providing information or guiding a sale, digital signage gives your customers options and gives your staff tools to make the in-store shopping experience amazing. Oh, and if you ever feel you need help on this topic and would like to know more, be sure to give Burkhart a call! 

Thanks For Reading!


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