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How Social Media Influencers Can Help Build Your Brand Awareness

If you have anything to do with your brand’s marketing efforts, it’s likely that the term “social media influencer” has been brought up in a conversation. It’s even more likely that you have seen content from an influencer come across one of your various social media timelines, or you’ve seen someone taking selfies or filming a vlog promoting a particular brand. But what exactly are social media influencers and how can they help your brand build awareness?

Social media influencers are individuals on various social media platforms that establish credibility in a particular industry and can persuade others by virtue of their large audience and authenticity. The right influencer is someone who can reach your target audience with original, engaging content that is in line with their brand, rather than some templated advertising brand style.


How Social Media Influencers Can Help Build Your Brand Awareness


What makes these individuals so influential?

The marketing industry is changing. People realize when they are being marketing at. Gone are the days of in pushing a particular message or brand onto your consumers and finding success. Brands now need to engage with their audience and immerse themselves into the conversation of their customers in order to show value. Because of this, earned media is becoming even more effective due to its authenticity.

Ninety-two percent of consumers around the world say they trust earned media, such as word-of-mouth and recommendations from friends and family, above all other forms of advertising … according to a new study from Nielsen, a leading global provider of information and insights into what consumers watch and buy.


How Social Media Influencers Can Help Build Your Brand Awareness


How do I add this to my marketing plan?

Start by knowing who you are trying to influence. Your audience will only respond if the influencer is relevant to their industry and resonates with their daily life. Once you feel you have a hold on your audience, research potential influencers in your geographic area. Look for engagement and trust with their audience and be sure to keep an eye out for sponsored post saturation.

“Online consumer reviews are the second most trusted form of advertising with 70 percent of global consumers surveyed online indicating they trust this platform, an increase of 15 percent in four years.” Nielsen

Once you find an influencer you feel can help promote your brand authentically, have a compensation plan and budget in mind. While certain influencers will offer their services in the form of trade, many with extensive reach will rightly expect to be paid for their work.


Interested in learning more or need help putting together a plan? Give us a shout.



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