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Conversational Marketing – A Guide for Beginner

What is conversational marketing?

Conversational marketing is an efficient tool that companies use to help project customers into the sales funnel. This system of marketing is a faster and more convenient way for firms to interact with their customers. It’s first used to categorize what stage of the buying process the buyer is in because it not only produces results quickly but also creates a relationship with the customer. Having this initial exchange allows for a stronger sales experience for the customer.

The Benefits of Conversational Marketing

  • Create a more human-based interaction buying experience
    • The back and forth messaging makes the buyer feel as if they are shopping in the physical store. With friendly dialogue, the shopper can converse with the chatbot when it’s most convenient for them.
  • Learn more faster
    • Other methods of obtaining information, such as trading email forms back and forth, can take a couple of hours, or even days, to receive useful information to qualify what stage a buyer is in the sales funnel. With conversational marketing methods, chatbots can obtain this information in a couple of minutes. 
    • The conversational method is able to gather much more information than email forms because a customer can express each of the reasons why they are looking for this product/service, why they were looking on the site and what features are most important to them. Conversational marketing can obtain useful information to use to qualify the lead in a much more efficient process.
  • Able to produce more quality leads
    • Chatbots sift through leads at a much quicker rate than a firm is able to come into contact with people who are actually wanting to go through with a purchase. 
    • Sales representatives can work with buyers who are progressing through the sales funnel. This ultimately saves the sales team time and manpower. The sales representatives do not have to worry about investing time into leads that are not quite developed.
  • Grow Sales Reach
    • By using this technology, a chatbot can have a conversation with 20, 200 or even 2,000 customers at the same time. They can even process customers while employees are asleep. This means that a firm’s database can collect more information on potential leads and gage what stage they are at within the sales funnel. This allows chatbots to seize every opportunity to connect with customers and gather information.

Moving Forward with Conversational Marketing

The use of this process should make the marketing strategy more efficient for a firm. Taking advantage of technological efficiency has been the way to move forward in business for many years and will continue to be used for years to come. Humans have been conversing with each other since the dawn of time. So this means they’re comfortable enough to relay information in this fashion. It’s important that businesses know this and they can tailor their sales approach to meet the comfortability of their customers.

Here at Burkhart, we understand how to make the most efficient approach to qualify our customers. To learn more information about conversational marketing and the right steps visit our website today.


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